Our May Newsletter

May 2021 – May marks a significant month for Seleni as we honor Mental Health Awareness Month and recognize the significant steps being taken to bring awareness of mental health across the globe. During the pandemic, we have realized more than ever that the importance of taking care of your mental well-being is just as important as your physical well-being.

We also celebrated Mother's Day in the U.S. on May 9 and while the day is a joyous one to celebrate, for many it is a time of sadness and grief. We send extra support to those who find this month to be difficult.

If you or anyone you know are finding these times to be challenging, Seleni is here to support with our clinic and experienced mental health professionals, through our trainings for professionals, and with resources such as our New Moms Group. We thank our community for helping us to support mental health and have the important conversations to advance mental health globally.

Learn the latest news in women’s mental health and get expert advice in our May newsletter here.

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